Source code for polyvers.cmdlet.interpctxt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Licensed under the EUPL 1.2+ (the 'Licence');
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Enable Unicode-trait to pep3101-interpolate `{key}` patterns from "context" dicts.
from collections import ChainMap, abc
from typing import Union, Optional, Callable, ContextManager
import contextlib
import logging
import os

from .._vendor.traitlets import traitlets as trt

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Now:  # TODO: privatize
    def __init__(self, is_utc=False):
        self.is_utc = is_utc

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        from datetime import datetime as dt

        now = if self.is_utc else dt.utcnow()

        return now.__format__(format_spec)

class _KeysDumper:  # TODO: privatize
    def __init__(self, mydict):
        self.mydict = mydict

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        return ', '.join(k for k in self.mydict.keys() if not k.startswith('$'))

class _MissingKeys(dict):
    __slots__ = ('value')

    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value

    def __missing__(self, key):
        if callable(self.value):
            return self.value(key)
        return self.value or '{%s}' % key

#: Used when interp-context claiming to have all keys.
_missing_keys = _MissingKeys()

class _HasTraitObjectDict(abc.Mapping):
    def __init__(self, _obj: trt.HasTraits):
        self._obj: trt.HasTraits = _obj

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._obj.traits())

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if self._obj.has_trait(key):
            return getattr(self._obj, key)
            raise KeyError(key)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._obj.trait_names())

class _EscapedObjectDict(_HasTraitObjectDict):
    Escape all object's attribute-values through the given function.

    Utility for using objects as :meth:`InterpolationContext.ikeys` maps
    for regex/glob patterns.
    def __init__(self, _obj: trt.HasTraits, escape_func) -> None:
        self._escape_func = escape_func

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if self._obj.has_trait(key):
            v = getattr(self._obj, key)
            if isinstance(v, str):
                v = self._escape_func(v)

            return v
            raise KeyError(key)

[docs]def dictize_object(obj, _escaped_for: Union[Callable, str] = None): """ Make an object appear as a dict for :meth:`InterpolationContext.ikeys()`. :param _escaped_for: one of 'glob', 'regex' or a callable to escape object's attribute values """ if isinstance(obj, (dict, abc.Mapping)): pass elif isinstance(obj, trt.HasTraits): if not _escaped_for: obj = _HasTraitObjectDict(obj) else: if _escaped_for == 'glob': import glob _escaped_for = glob.escape elif _escaped_for == 'regex': import re _escaped_for = re.escape elif not callable(_escaped_for): raise AssertionError( "Invalid `_escaped_for` %r!" "\n It must be either a callable or 'glob'/'regex'." % _escaped_for) obj = _EscapedObjectDict(obj, _escaped_for) else: ## Collect object's and MRO classes's items # in a chain-dict. # cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj) maps = [vars(obj)] maps.extend(vars(c) for c in cls.mro()) obj = ChainMap(*maps) return obj
[docs]class InterpolationContext(ChainMap): """ A stack of 4 dics to be used as interpolation context. The 3 stacked dicts are: 0. user-map: writes affect permanently this dict only; 1. time: ('now', 'utcnow'), always updated on access; 2. env-vars, `$`-prefixed. Append more dicts in ``self.maps`` list if you wish. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.time_map = { 'now': Now(), 'utcnow': Now(is_utc=True), 'ikeys': _KeysDumper(self), } self.env_map = {} self.maps.extend([self.time_map, self.env_map]) self.update_env() def update_env(self): self.env_map.clear() self.env_map.update({'$' + k: v for k, v in os.environ.items()})
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def ikeys(self, *maps, _stub_keys: Union[str, bool, None] = False, _escaped_for: Union[Callable, str] = None, **kv_pairs ) -> ContextManager['InterpolationContext']: """ Temporarily place maps and kwds immediately after user-map (2nd position). - For params, see :meth:`interp()`. .. Attention:: Must use ``str.format_map()`` when `_stub_keys` is true; otherwise, ``format()`` will clone all existing keys in a static map. """ tmp_maps = [dictize_object(m, _escaped_for=_escaped_for) for m in maps if m] if kv_pairs: tmp_maps.append(kv_pairs) orig_maps = self.maps maps = orig_maps[:1] + tmp_maps[::-1] + orig_maps[1:] if _stub_keys: maps.append(_missing_keys if _stub_keys is True else _MissingKeys(_stub_keys)) self.maps = maps try: yield self finally: self.maps = orig_maps
[docs] def interp(self, text: Optional[str], *maps, _stub_keys=False, _escaped_for: Union[Callable, str] = None, _suppress_errors: bool = None, **kv_pairs ) -> Optional[str]: """ Interpolate text with values from maps and kwds given. :param text: the text to interpolate; if null/empty, returned as is :param maps: a list of dictionaries/objects/HasTraits from which to draw items/attributes/trait-values, all in increasing priority. Nulls ignored. :param _stub_keys: - If false, missing keys raise KeyError. - If `True`, any missing *key* gets replaced by ``{key}`` (practically remain unchanged). - If callable, the `key` is passed to it as a the only arg, and the result gets replaced. - Any other non-false value is returned for every *key*. :param _suppress_errors: ignore any interpolation errors and return original string :param _escaped_for: a callable or ('glob'|'regex') to escape object's attribute values Later maps take precedence over earlier ones; `kv_pairs` have the highest, but `_stub_keys` the lowest (if true). """ if not text: return text with self.ikeys(*maps, _stub_keys=_stub_keys, _escaped_for=_escaped_for, **kv_pairs) as cntx: if _suppress_errors: try: text = text.format_map(cntx) except Exception as ex: log.debug("Interpolating '%s' failed due to: %r", text[:100], ex, exc_info=ex) else: text = text.format_map(cntx) return text